Take “Action” for sustainability

With growth comes (social) responsibility

Action is a non-food discounter, which has rapidly grown to nearly 1600 stores in seven European countries. Because with growth comes responsibility, Action asked us how to implement their ‘Action Social Responsibility Strategy’ into business and how to inspire others to do the same.

Strengthening and implementing ‘Action Social Responsibility Strategy’
To strengthen and drive the implementation of the ‘Action Social Responsibility Strategy’, we consulted relevant stakeholders and conducted research and external stakeholders’ interview. That helped us to define material sustainability topics, sharpen the existing CSR strategy, and set priorities. Next step for Action, driving internal engagement on CSR action plans and KPIs through a Boardroom Masterclass with the management.

Inspire to “Take more Action every year”
Continuous improvement is the foundation of Action’s sustainability strategy. Thus, for 2019, Action’s ambition was a transparent Action Social Responsibility strategy, activities and performance. By creating a transparent and inspiring Update 2019 report. We selected the most important, material topics for the report by leading an interactive workshop combining insights from stakeholder interviews with survey results. We guided Action in selecting KPIs and collecting data across the company to create a legible, accessible and inspiring report centered around ‘Taking more Action’ every year. For the first time, the report meets reporting standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and improved in the criteria of the Transparency Benchmark.

Creating a clear sustainability path for Action
Together with Action, we increased awareness of sustainability both internally and externally. While painting a clear sustainability path for Action to follow in the coming years. CSR has not only been put on the business agenda but also been put into action.

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