Raising the bar on sustainability
Helping Panasonic to increase stakeholder awareness of their decarbonization efforts
Panasonic is a global leader in developing innovative technologies and solutions for a wide range of applications. They operate in sectors like consumer electronics, housing, automotive industry, communications, and energy worldwide.
While the company’s decarbonization efforts and goals are ambitious, not all their stakeholders in Europe are aware of that yet.
The Terrace supported Panasonic’s communications- and sustainability team in developing a strategy to increase awareness of their sustainability activities and achievements. Both towards internal and external stakeholders.
Positioning as a thought-leader
Positioning as a thought-leader
Panasonic has the focus, solutions and people to improve the position of its environmental activities, and more specifically as a thought leader in decarbonization. However, to be perceived as the key player, we needed to provide a specific approach. To do this, we created digestible and inspirational messaging to build an overarching communication message, namely ‘Panasonic’s Green Impact’. This tied their actions and impact together under a clear vision for the company.
Bringing Panasonic’s sustainability story to life through gamification
The sustainability story is captured in their internal Climate Action Handbook. From awareness of climate change to the actions of Panasonic, it’s all in there. We saw an opportunity to leverage this content and bring it to life for all employees by creating the Climate Action Game. The game created awareness of their new sustainability ambitions, reaching employees in both offices and factories across Europe. The game improved employees’ knowledge on climate action as a basis for later employee activation. In three months, the game was played by over 2,400 employees. Engaging 25% of the entire workforce with an average playing time of 5 minutes.
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